10 Top Tips to Support Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A view from eNurture

The extraordinary circumstances presented by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic means we are all having to adapt to a new way of life including making changes to the way we work. The eNurture team is monitoring the fast-moving situation closely and doing what we can to keep the network running whilst continuing to take the basic Coronavirus precautions as advised by the government which you can view on the NHS website. We are exploring alternative ways of engaging with our members to reduce risk to your health and keep everyone safe.
If you have any suggestions for alternative ways in which you prefer to engage with eNurture please let us know. 

The results of a rapid assessment and survey conducted by the charity UK Youth highlight the devastating impact of the pandemic on the mental health of young people and those that support them. So during this uncertain time it is important that we look after not just our physical health but also mental health. The eNurture Leadership Team have come up with some top tips on how people can support their mental health during the current crisis:

  1. Keep to your ordinary routine as much as possible in terms of sleeping, eating and work activities – this will be particularly important to support children who will be watching and learning about how adults handle stress.

  2. Social distancing should not mean social withdrawal – find ways to keep social interaction going that is not face to face – e.g. virtual parties and lunches using software platforms – children probably have lots to teach us here and might well enjoy doing so.

  3. Inactivity is bad for mental health – so find ways to exercise using online programmes – running / walking outside (at the moment and if not self-isolating) are fine if you keep your distance.

  4. Keep doing things you enjoy even if you have to find a new way to do them – reading, films, board games, craft – maybe even use the opportunity to learn something new or engage in that project you never had time for.

  5. A certain degree of anxiety is normal in such abnormal times – so be gentle with yourself and try to avoid triggers (too much social media or news is unhelpful) and try and focus on what you can do to keep you and your loved ones safe.

  6. Lots of people will be relying more on social media than ever before, and some may be new to social media, so try to help these conversations stay polite, sociable and helpful, as it’s easy for emotions to build up.

  7. In times of uncertainty, we all need information; do check sources and be cautious, as it’s more important than ever not to fall for the fake news that’s flooding the internet just now. See eNurture Deputy Director Sonia Livingstone’s blog on fake news. Also see below for BBC Bitesize Fact or Fake? website, a new resource to help children to identify fake news and misinformation.

  8. Look out for others, particularly more vulnerable people to reduce their isolation and loneliness – worry or confusion  – give them a ring and have a chat.

  9. Recognise that you too need support, where you can and feel able to, reach out to those around you or others that can offer support and positive assistance to you.

  10. Take time to relax, to give yourself some time out, some guilt-free time out, you (and we all) deserve it.

Below is a list of eNurture partners providing advice on how to support the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people during the COVID-19 pandemic:

Other useful resources:

Stay well, stay healthy!

The eNurture Team